
Social Media Policy

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Social media terms of use

ruckus Digital wants people to have fun, learn and discover new things using social media, so we encourage their use.

With that, we have one rule of engagement for anyone interacting with us:

  • Any content posted or directed to ruckus Digital or a staffer’s property while representing the organization, which is deemed defamatory, discriminatory abusive or illegal will be immediately removed from those properties and/or will be blocked and reported to the proper authorities as appropriate.

Given the nature of the ruckus Digital business, social media are a reality in our personal and work lives. In order to bring greater consistency to our own social media initiatives, we also have eight rules for all staff to follow:

  1. Always representing, even on personal time
    1. The lines between “personal” and “business” social media activity are blurred. It’s important to recognize that at all times. Still, staff should take the necessary means to distinguish personal content on their social properties (e.g. “Everything posted on this blog is my personal opinion and does not necessarily represent the views of my employer or its clients.”)
  2. Accurate information
    1. ruckus Digital employees may not knowingly communicate information that is untrue or deceptive. ruckus Digital will take all reasonable steps to assure the validity of information communicated via any channel but it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure accuracy.
  3. Client permission
    1. ruckus Digital employees can share, like, repost or retweet content that clients have shared on their respective channels (assuming ruckus Digital has established that type of relationship with the client). Before posting any new client-related content on an ruckus Digital property or personal account, staff must first get client permission. If event related, it’s important to get prior approval of intent to post or tweet about the event. (e.g. have a discussion with client about live-tweeting just so that there are no surprises)
  4. Transparency of origin
    1. ruckus Digital requires that employees disclose their employment or association with client companies in all communications with customers, the media or other ruckus Digital stakeholders when speaking on behalf of ruckus Digital clients. In practice this means, including #client or (ruckus Digital client) in tweets or posts.
  5. Measurement
    1. When posting on personal or ruckus Digital channels on behalf of clients, any impressions generated by staff will not be included in client measurement reports. While sometimes it can be difficult to determine exactly who was involved in posting (e.g. a retweet or favourite on Twitter), staff will take reasonable efforts to ensure impressions are truly earned by an audience external to our teams.
  6. Authenticity
    1. While ruckus Digital represents a number clients, staff should not feel obliged to tweet or post on their personal social channels. Our staff, just like any other members of the public should be authentic in their communications so if he/she wouldn’t talk about something in real-life, he/she shouldn’t feel obliged to do so on his or her social channels.
  7. Ethical conduct
    1. ruckus Digital employees will not conduct activities that are illegal or contrary to our mission to create a great workplace environment and give the best client service possible. All staff must adhere to our Privacy Policy and Code of Ethics outlined by their respective professional affiliations such as the Canadian Public Relations Society or International Association of Business Communicators.
  8. Protection of confidential and proprietary information
    1. ruckus Digital employees must maintain the confidentiality of any information considered confidential, including company data, customer data, partner and/or supplier data, personal employee data, and any information not generally available to the public.

ruckus Digital employees or company representatives who fail to comply with these social media guidelines will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. In addition, depending on the nature of the violation or the online channel content, participants may also be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties.

Should you have any questions about our social media terms of use, drop us a line at info@ruckusdigital.ca.