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#DailyDive: Streaming podcasts and collaborating on LinkedIn

Curiosity and ongoing learning are key requirements at our agency. Studies show that people who continue to learn as professionals are better problem-solvers, more creative and tend to enjoy their jobs more ̶ so that’s a bonus. This month we are sharing our go-to professional resources at APEX PR and ruckus Digital.

When you work in social and digital media, learning is never-ending. Every day, Facebook or Google are making changes to their platforms that impact customer behaviours or programming for our clients. Keeping up can be a challenge – especially as our own attention spans decline. However, daily I’m either streaming a marketing podcast or collaborating with colleagues on LinkedIn.

Podcast addict:

As someone always on-the-go and a frequent podcast binger, I love a good podcast to learn about new trends from credible marketing experts. Consuming content through audio let’s me multitask on my commute to work or while burning calories at the gym. Here are some of my favourites:

  • Social Media Marketing Talkshow with Michael Stelzner – Leveraging interviews with platform and marketing experts this podcast focuses on new platform features (such as the TikTok self-service ads) or updates to existing platforms (like the recent LinkedIn Updates Pages and algorithm).
  • Under the Influence with Terry O’Reilly digs into the history and evolution of advertising and marketing by exploring industries and marketing tactics. Although, the podcast has been re-releasing archived episodes I just listened to the history of lawsuit advertising and it was very interesting to see how the industry evolved over time.
  • Smart Agency Masterclass – Host Jason Swenk interviews marketing agency leaders from across North America to chat through strategies they’ve undertook to grow or evolve their business. Episodes are roughly 30 mins – perfect for my commute to work!


I’ve become obsessed with LinkedIn. I’ve curated a strong list of professionals, old colleagues and experts who I admire that I can learn from and share my perspective with. The platform has expanded their capabilities and algorithm so I can share links, videos or full blog posts. Below are some of my go-to professionals or hashtags to follow:

  • Jed Schneiderman – After visiting our office for a presentation about EQ Works, I was impressed by Jed and how he approached data and the marketing opportunities. Jed is always sharing interesting articles and providing innovative perspectives on the industry.
  • #marketing – It’s a simple hashtag, but it helps me discover trending articles within the industry to keep myself updated on the latest news or trends that I need to be aware of.
  • Sherrilynne Starkie – As a grad of the Algonquin PR program, you learn a lot about the grads that came before you. I’ve followed Sherri online for many years throughout her PR and marketing journey and look forward to seeing her posts.

Katie Boland is an account director at APEX Public Relations and ruckus Digital. Check out more of our #DailyDive and see what others are looking at for professional inspiration.